Tutorial: Summer Sunset on the Beach Nail Art

Hello my gorgeous ladies,

Today I am going to show you how to paint a landscape for your summery nails. As per weather trends so far this year, the 2016 Indian summer in on course to be the hottest ever. It is 46, unreasonable dry and hot and I can’t wait to hit the beach. (I guess I don’t have to tell you that Goa is super fun in summers as well). But as my work and study are really keeping me busy, taking time off seems like a far-fetched dream.
So the sad and tired me thought of doing summery nails to boost the mood.

So without any further ranting, let us go through the tutorial…

Things I have used:-
  • Nail polish (purple, orange, yellow, blue, white, black and a top coat)
  • Paint Brush
  • Makeup sponge
  • Nail polish remover.

  • Well, there are two ways by which you can nail this nail art. One is by using a brush and the other one is by using a sponge. I have done this with a sponge.
  • Apply a white base coat. It will help the other colors to pop.
  • Then on a plate, drop a drop each of all the colors; first the purple, then orange, then yellow and finally the blue. Dab a sponge on the colors and sponge it on your nails. You can also sponge one color at a time. Repeat on all the nails.

  • Let the colors dry completely. In the meantime you can clean up any polishes on your skin.
  • Now take a thin brush, dip in black nail polish and draw lands, coconut/plum trees and birds.
  • Apply top coat.

That’s it. It is very simple and looks amazing. Let me know what you feel about this nail art.

Pour in your thoughts in the comment section and don’t forget to click on the G+ button if you like it :) 

See you on my next post. Love you all…bye bye :)


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